KN17 [1917]
Canons pour deux cors
Kanons für zwei Hörner
Canons for two horns
Remarks: After a dangerous appendicitis which in 1917 befell Strawinsky’s daughter, the treating Swiss physician Dr. Roux, who in his leisure time used to play the French horn, asked in place of a fee for his service for a piece of original Strawinsky music for his instrument. This request was probably quite welcome to the composer, given his disastrous financial situation after the Russian revolution. Strawinsky sent him a couple of canons arranged for two horns. The autograph must be in possession of the heirs to the Swiss doctor. However, it had never turned up during Strawinsky’s lifetime.
K Catalog: Annotated Catalog of Works and Work Editions of Igor Strawinsky till 1971, revised version 2014 and ongoing, by Helmut Kirchmeyer.
© Helmut Kirchmeyer. All rights reserved.
http://www.kcatalog.org and http://www.kcatalog.net