K97 Berceuse
Strawinsky used to play at home with his children. He made small musical collections for them and wrote his own studies. From one of these home music books, Robert Craft published one small cradle song, composed in 1962 by Strawinsky on 10th December 1917 in Morges for his eldest daughter, Ludmilla, in Appendix A of his book ‘Expositions and Developments’. The original Russian text was translated into French at that time by Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz, a sign that Stravinsky seemed not to have been entirely disinclined to take it into consideration for one of his editions of children’s songs. Craft’s edition is a two-sided musical text for voice with piano in Russian and French. The work was dedicated to his daughter ‘à ma fillette’ and was presumably performed in public for the first time on 9th December 1971 in Moscow by L. Davydova and the pianist A. Ljubimov. The sketches and neat copies are to be found in the Paul Sacher Stiftung in Basel.
a) Overview
97-1Alb 1962 VoSc; F; 4 p. 4 A.
b) Characteristic features
97-1Alb >BERCEUSE< [in:] // Igor Stravinsky/Robert Craft: EXPOSITIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS, 168 pages, Faber and Faber, London 1962, Appendix A pp. 149-152 // (Vocal score with chant 13.3 x 21.5 (8° [8°]); sung text French; page of the score unpaginated; 4 [2] pages + 1 page front matter [explanations] + 1 page back matter [empty page]; author specified in connection with translator specified 1st page of the score below title head flush left-right* >Original text in Russian [#] Music and Words by / French Text by C. F. Ramuz [#] Igor Stravinsky (1917)<; legal reservation pages of the score below type area centre >© Igor Stravinsky 1962<; without further marks) // (1962)
* Flush right, left ragged alignment.
K Catalog: Annotated Catalog of Works and Work Editions of Igor Strawinsky till 1971, revised version 2014 and ongoing, by Helmut Kirchmeyer.
© Helmut Kirchmeyer. All rights reserved.
http://www.kcatalog.org and http://www.kcatalog.net